
GSoC'20 : Week-9 of Coding Period | Implemented template forms for JSON files and integrated tabbed layout with the template editors

Week 13 of GSoC'20

Pending templates

As cited in the previous blog, the templates involving WriteVariableGeotiff like peatland_output_modules.json were to be implemented in this week, and so they are, implemented in this week. peatland_output_modules.json has a completely different structure of JSON tree, so it could not be punched to the simple modules.json template implemented in the previous work.

Illustartion of peatland_output_modules.json showing the fields specific to WriteVariableGeotiff and the settings.

  • The WriteVariableGeotiff section contains three basic fields, enabled, order and a library.
  • The settings key is a dynamic key consisting of multiple items in the form of an array.
  • Each object in the array is populated in the form of multiple cards.
  • Each card contains basic keys like enabled, variable_data_type etc.
  • The dynamic keys like variable_name, pools, flux are provisioned using a drop-down list. The changes in the choice of the keys is reflected in the JSON tree(right side of the page).
  • There is also a provision to delete a particular card, similar to deleting an element of an array.
Illustartion of peatland_output_modules.json

Integration of the templates with the tabbed editor(built on Week9)

The implementation of the peatland_output_modules.json concludes the creation of templates(as of now), and I have started integrating the templates with the tabbed editor.

A preliminary glimse of the integration is shown below!

Illustartion of the preliminary integration

Phase II Evaluation

The Phase II evaluation is going to conclude tonight 11:59PM and I am really thrilled for the results! May the source be with me! 😅 Fingers Crossed 🤞

This article can also be found at DIAL Hub.