
GSoC'20 : Week-7 of Coding Period | Started Implementing layouts of different JSON Files

Week 11 of GSoC'20

PR6: Integration of Tabbed Layout editor with Home Page, bug fixes

The PR is intended to integrate the already implemented Tabbed Layout with Home Page and minor bug fixes and change in coding practices like changing React prop drilling to Context API. The Pending task is to integrate the new form-like editor with Tabbed Layout so as user can edit files in whichever mode they are interested to.

This week's work

The week, I was working on creating a basic layout of the generic JSON files like localdomain.json, variables.json, pools.json etc. The work includes, getting inference about the key-value fields and easing the user experience, from the already created JSON files.

Discussion regarding layout of template JSON Editors The issue is opened and will be used to discuss about the intricacies of the JSON files and the science behind them. For eg: there may be different choices for the FlintData configurations and getting a first-hand experience of the configurations is important to create the UI.


The simulation shows creation of a LocalDomain.json based JSON file from scratch.

  • It shows key-value pairs on the left hand side and the corresponding JSON file updates on the right hand side, in real-time.
  • There are controls for deleting and adding new libraries.
  • There are also other controls like DatePicker or TextField for other JSON entries.

A live simulation of the project can be found at (Just choose the type of file at the right corner of the navgation bar)

Once the UI/UX is approved by @mfellows sir, it will be patched to main project.

moja global's showcase

moja global showcased our month long progress on their blog. Thanks a lot @guy sir for reposting it in LinkedIn. It really helps us to showcase our work and widen our connections. 😀

Inclusion to moja global's GitHub organisation

It means a lot to me for getting an invite to any open source community. Regular and meaningful contribution to any community is one thing, but then getting included to the community feels like joining a whole new family of great developers. 🥳🥳


This week has been an awesome headstart, first interacting with @mfellows sir and then implementing the ideas. I hope, the next week will be even more awesome, creating whole lot of a framework for creation of JSON files. Thank You!

This article can also be found at DIAL Hub.