GSoC'20 : Preparing for takeoff - Part III : All set to fly the next week
Week 4 of GSoC'20
So, we have ultimately reached the final week of Community Bonding period and I can say with full confidence that each and every goal of Community Bonding i.e. making a good relationship with the mentors and fellow GSoC students, understanding the community and contribution guidelines of the organisation has been achieved successfully 🙌.
The week, I planned to start my first week of coding period(Yeah, before a week of official coding period as we were intimated by our college that we may have exams in mid June) but my college decided to wind up all the exams by 31st of May 😞. I was a bit disappointed, as I was mentally prepared to start my coding this week, but on the positive note, my mentors agreed to postpone the coding period by one week, thus giving me a window to prepare for exams.
Revisiting the core concepts
A quote by Laurell K. Hamilton goes by the way, Confidence is a fine trait, Over-confidence isn't.
Being a follower of this quote, I decided to start a short course on ReactJS, to revise my concepts of State, Props, React-Router, Redux etc. and made an example Burger-Builder App integrated with Electron.
So, in a concluding note, I can say that I am well prepared to start my coding period, with all the wireframes and work flows to assist with the development of the awesome FLINT JSON User Interface.